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Young Jun 2

Young Jun was a Chinese-American crime boss and the head of the Hop Wei Tong of San Francisco from 1878, succeeding Father Jun.


Young Jun was born in San Francisco, California, the firstborn son of Hop Wei Tong boss Father Jun. He served as a lieutenant to his father, during which time he befriended new immigrant Ah Sahm in 1878 and showed him the ropes of the Tong business as the Tong Wars heated up in Chinatown. He and Ah Sahm later teamed up to run businesses behind Father Jun's back, including molasses smuggling and prize fighting. As a result, Father Jun attempted to disown his own son, but Young Jun rallied the tong against his father with Ah Sahm's help, forcing Father Jun to retire. However, his father helped him defend Chinatown from an Irish mob before leaving and asking Wang Chao to help Young Jun run the tong. Young Jun later fell out with Ah Sahm after learning from rival Long Zii Tong leader Mai Ling that she and Ah Sahm were siblings, causing Young Jun to mistrust the increasingly popular Ah Sahm.

In late 1878, Young Jun was arrested in a United States Secret Service raid on Hop Wei headquarters as the result of his foolish widespread distribution of counterfeit currency to Chinatown business owners, all of which was traced back to him. He reunited with his father in prison, and the two men were released from prison after Ah Sahm cut a deal with the politically-influential Mai Ling to give the Long Zii half of the counterfeiting proceeds in exchange for Young Jun and Father Jun's release. However, Father Jun fell into insanity after suffering from blood poisoning after being wounded during the Hop Wei's brief clash with the Kruger Brothers of San Jose, and Father Jun persuaded his reluctant son to cut his throat and put him out of his misery, cementing Young Jun as the Hop Wei's leader.

Not long after, the police raided the print works and confiscated the printing plates, causing Young Jun to believe that Yan Mi had informed on them. Ah Sahm tried to convince Young Jun that this was not the case, but, even so, Young Jun and his hatchet men readied for war, this time with Mai Ling, whom he believed was weak due to the fall of the counterfeiting business and the desertion of her husband Li Yong. Young Jun told Ah Sahm that he didn't have to come with them to kill his sister, but he warned him not to try and stop them. Ah Sahm quit the Hop Wei in protest, and he was forced to beat down the Hop Wei hatchet men, Hong, and even Young Jun, whom he considered stabbing dead before sparing his old friend.

