Winston Havelock (1864-1926) was a British fighter pilot who fought in Egypt and Palestine in World War I.
Once a fighter pilot in the Great War fighting for Great Britain that had expected and hoped to go down in battle as did his fellow pilots, Winston Havelock was the very last of the Royal Air Force that was still stationed in Cairo, with all other pilots either dying in battle and being buried in the sands or transferred to a better locale. As he was the last of his regiment, Havelock spent most of his days in a ramshackle airfield, which had long since fallen to ruin, and flew on occasion an ancient biplane.
Havelock stopped by a bar one day where he found Rick O'Connell, accompanied by Jonathan Carnaghan, David Daniels and Isaac Henderson, all extremely wary due to the events of the last two days when those men, as well as a number of others, had gone to the ancient City of the Dead, Hamunaptra in search of treasures and artifacts, with only some of their party returning. Havelock wistfully told O'Connell of his unhappy lot in life, that times no longer had any adventurous challenge worthy of Rick O'Connell or Havelock himself, and that it was his dearest wish to go down in battle rather than remain where he was, drinking away his sorrows. Winston instead changed his tone and left the bar to return to the airfield, emptying Jonathan's shot-glass before he left.
Shortly after their meeting in the bar, as Havelock sat in the airfield sipping tea beneath an umbrella, he was approached once more by O'Connell, with Jonathan and Ardeth Bay, as they told Havelock of their problem, asking Havelock for his help. The plane, however, would prove some trouble as there was only room for one. Havelock provided a solution at once: asking Jonathan to go to one of the sheds in the airfield base for the use of the other three. With the three passengers in tow, Havelock took off in hot pursuit of Hamunaptra. The plane subsequently crashed and as O'Connell, Jonathan and Ardeth Bay removed themselves from the wreckage, they went to help Havelock out. Winston Havelock, however, had died in the cockpit with a smile on his face, apparently of a broken neck and finally fulfilling his wish of dying in battle as he sank, plane and all, into the quicksand in which they landed in. O'Connell, Jonathan, and Ardeth Bay took a moment of silence out of respect for Winston, with O'Connell giving him a salute, before moving on.