Historica Wiki

William Lyle (1918-13 June 1944) was a US Army Private who served with, United States Army 101st Airborne Division,506th PIR during World War II.


William Lyle was born in Washington, D.C. in 1918. In 1942 he joined the parachute troops. He became friends with Gary during training camp. He was assigned to F Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.

Lyle jumped into Normandy on D-Day, joined a group of paratroopers including Gary, and was later gathered by the Colonel to defend Ramelle.

He was present at the Battle of Ramelle, where he helped disable a tank. He shot an SS officer in the face and then threw several grenades into the tank, disabling him. He was then wounded by 20 mm Flak bullets. He tried to crawl away, but was shot in the chest by a German soldier, killing him instantly.
