Historica Wiki
William J

William Judd Fetterman (1833-21 December 1866) was a US Army captain who served in the American Civil War and the Plains Indian Wars in the Wild West era, during which he and his 81-man command were massacred by the Sioux in the Fetterman Fight.


William Judd Fetterman was born in New London, Connecticut in 1833, and he was raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Fetterman enlisted in the Union Army at the start of the American Civil War and finished the war as a lieutenant-colonel of volunteers; he was then given command of a US Army company attachhed to the US 18th Infantry Regiment at Fort Phil Kearny in Wyoming. On 21 December 1866, in response to a Sioux attack on a wood train near the fort, Fetterman and his 81-man command gave chase to the Native Americans, only to be lured into an ambush by 1,000 Indian warriors. Within 20 minutes, the "Fetterman Fight" was over, and Fetterman and all of his men were killed.

