Wang Hun (223-297) was General Who Pacifies the East of the Western Jin dynasty. Wang Hun was a major commander of the conquest of Wu in 280 AD.
As General Who Establishes Might, Wang Hun was placed in charge of the military affairs of Yang Province in 276 AD by General Yang Hu of Western Jin as part of his plan to conquer Eastern Wu. In 280 AD, when the Conquest of Wu was carried out, Wang Hun and Sima Zhou were tasked with tying down the main Wu force. Wang Hun, Wang Jun, and Sima Zhou were given the assignment of conquering the Wu capital of Jianye at the end of the campaign, with the three of them playing the most important roles. Wang Hun captured Wu general Zhou Xing after conquering Xunyang, Gaowang, and Laixiang, but he took the cautious approach to capturing Jianye, allowing Wang Jun to take the capital first. Wang Hun's supporters asked Sima Yan to imprison Wang Jun, but in the end, Sima Yan rewarded Wang Jun handsomely.