Historica Wiki
Walter L

Walter Loomis Sessions (4 October 1820-27 May 1896) was a member of the US House of Representatives (R-NY 31) from 4 March 1871 to 3 March 1873 (succeeding Porter Sheldon and preceding Lyman K. Bass), from NY-32 from 4 March 1873 to 3 March 1875 (succeeding Elbridge G. Spaulding and preceding Bass), and from NY-34 from 4 March 1885 to 3 March 1887 (succeeding Lorenzo Burrows and preceding William G. Laidlaw).


Walter Lewis Sessions was born in Brandon, Rutland County, Vermont in 1820, and he became a lawyer in Panama, Chautauqua County, New York in 1849. He served in the State Assembly from 1853 to 1854, in the State Senate from 1860 to 1861 and from 1866 to 1867, town supervisor of Harmony from 1864 to 1864, and in the US House of Representatives from 1871 to 1875 and from 1885 to 1887; he died in 1896.
