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Historica Wiki

Veturia was a Roman noblewoman and the mother of the famed general Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus. She encouraged her son to enter politics after his heroism at the Siege of Corioli in 493 BC, but her son was exiled to the lands of the Volsci in 491 BC for demanding the abolition of the office of Tribune of the Plebs in exchange for distributing state grain to the starving plebeians. When Coriolanus returned to Rome at the head of a Volscian army, Veturia, Coriolanus' wife Volumnia, and Volumnia and Coriolanus' two sons went out of a besieged Rome and implored Coriolanus to end the hostilities and bring about peace between the Romans and Volscians, Coriolanus was swayed to make peace to protect his family from harm, only for Coriolanus to be assassinated by the Volscians for doing so. Veturia and Volumnia's contributions to the restoration of peace were commemorated by the dedication of a Roman temple to the female deity Fortuna.
