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Historica Wiki

The Van Horn stagecoach robbery occurred in 1899 when the Van der Linde Gang outlaws Arthur Morgan and Bill Williamson robbed a wagon hauling dynamite south from Annesburg to New Orleans at the derelict Mississippi River port town of Van Horn. Dutch van der Linde and his lieutenant Micah Bell planned to delay the government's pursuit of them by blowing up the US Army railroad bridge near Bacchus Station in South Dakota, and Williamson and Morgan were assigned to steal the dynamite wagon. Morgan and Williamson designed an elaborate ambush: Williamson pretended to be a stubmling drunkard in order to hold up the wagon, while Morgan took up a sniping position in a neary building. When the wagon and its Pinkerton escorts arrived in town, Williamson stumbled onto the street and fell to the ground, causing the Pinkertons to stop and send forth an agent, Eric, to move the drunkard out of the way. When Eric was close, Williamson turned over and shot Eric with his revolver, upon which Morgan opened fire on the Pinkertons with his Carcano rifle. After killing all of the Pinkertons, Morgan and Williamson proceeded to steal the wagon and drive off, and Morgan held off their many pursuers with his pistols, shooting around a dozen of them dead as they chased the wagon through the woods. Ultimately, the wagon reached Beaver Hollow with the dynamite on board, enabling the gang to destroy the Bacchus Bridge not long after.
