Historica Wiki

Vaasco (1052-), known as "the Crusader", "the Honorable", or "the Builder", was a general of the Kingdom of Castile.


Vaasco was a Basque nobleman, hence his name. He had no surname, but came to the court of King Alfonso VI of Castile and was made a general of his army. During the Reconquista, he captured Valencia from El Cid's renegade army and later took Granada from the Moors, and in 1130 he led the assault on Cordoba, driving the Moors from Castile's lands.

He became known as "the Crusader" for participating in the First Crusade against Antioch, and later fought in the capture of Adana from the Kingdom of Armenia. In 1170, Vaasco landed in Sicily and captured Palermo from the Kingdom of Sicily, who declared war on Spain with the goal of capturing Sardinia. Vaasco later moved north to Naples and captured the city, consolidating Spanish Sicily and Spanish Naples as two new provinces. He later became known as "Vaasco the Builder" for his construction of new buildings in Palermo and Naples.

Personal Life[]

Vaasco was followed by an astrologer, mercenary commander, a Knight of Santiago, biographer, pagan magician, and a master archer, and wielded the Holy Lance and fine armour. 
