Ulfilas (311-383 AD) was a Gothic Christian bishop and missionary who translated the Bible into the Gothic language and spread Arianism to the Germanic tribes.
Ulfilas was to an enslaved Cappadocian Greek family; his parents were captured by plundering Goths in the village of Sadagolthina before being carried off into captivity in Transdanubia in 264 AD. Ulfilas was raised as an Arian Christian Goth and also became proficient in both Greek and Latin. Eventually, he was ordained as a bishop by Eusebius of Nicomedia. He was sent back to his people as a missionary, and, in 348 AD, he received permission from Emperor Constantius II to escape religious persecution by Athanaric and migrate to Moesia with his followers. There, he devised the Gothic alphabet and translated the Bible from Greek to Gothic. He died in 383.