Troy Barlow (born 1963) was a Sergeant First Class in the US Army Reserve of the United States. A veteran of the Gulf War, he took part in the heist of $23,000,000 worth of gold bullion from Ba'athist Iraq in March 1991 alongside Major Archie Gates, PFC Conrad Vig, and Staff Sergeant Chief Elgin.
Troy Barlow enlisted in the US Army Reserve to make some extra cash when he found out that he was having a daughter, Krystal (born February 1991), and this led to him serving in the Gulf War. He didn't see any action, but on 1 March 1991 he killed Iraqi Army soldier Basim Sesay when he did not stand down, shooting him in the neck. Later, he found a map in the buttock cheeks of Iraqi Army officer Najeeb Mansour, telling Chief Elgin and Conrad Vig about it. Major Archie Gates later discovered their secret, and they set out to Karbala to find the gold that the document stated the location of. They disarmed the Iraqi soldiers there, but Iraqi reinforcements under Badran Majid arrived. Majid had his men help the Americans take the gold in accordance with the ceasefire, but when the Iraqis killed an Iraqi woman who pleaded for the Americans to stay and keep Saddam Hussein's men out, a firefight began between the Iraqis and Americans. The Americans fled with the gold, but Barlow was incapacitated by tear gas while trying to rescue two refugee children from a minefield, and he was taken to Oasis Bunker by the Iraqi Republican Guard. Barlow was interrogated by Said Rassi about things ranging from serious matters such as the American involvement in the Shi'ite uprising to a non-serious matter, the "problem with Michael Jackson". Barlow was rescued when his squad and Iraqi rebels stormed the bunker, and although he was in shock and was later wounded by an Iraqi sniper, he survived and rejoined his friends. He helped them to escort the refugees to the Iranian border, and using some of the stolen gold, he became a carpet store owner in Torrance, California.