Trevor Philips Enterprises, also known as Trevor Philips Industries (TPI), Trevor Philips Corporation, TPI Conglomerate, or TP, Inc., is an American arms and drug syndicate based out of Blaine County, California. The organization was founded by Trevor Philips, a Canadian criminal and pilot who shipped firearms to Mexican drug cartels and engaged in the meth business in the desert. Philips made Ron Jakowski the "CEO" of his organization and recruited some muscle such as Wade Hebert, a small force of "redneck" criminals, and freelance criminals such as Slugs Piombino, and he took over the arms and drug trade in Blaine County in 2013. However, he continued to face opposition from the other gangs, and TPE continued to fight against the bikers, Aztecas, and rival rednecks to control the two illicit industries.