Historica Wiki
Three Musketeers Japan

The "Three Musketeers" was the nickname given to a trio of Japanese professional wrestlers-turned-"land sharks" who dominated the Kabukicho real estate and construction industries during the 2000s. Consisting of Riki Choshu, Genichiro Tenryu, and Tatsumi Fujinami, the Three Musketeers allied with Keiji Mutoh and Masahiro Chono against Goro Majima's Majima Construction company in 2006, aiming to take over the Kabukicho Hills construction project. However, with the help of Kazuma Kiryu, Majima Construction defeated the Three Musketeers and their hired muscle in several battles at the construction site, and the Musketeers were gradually convinced to join Majima Construction.
