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Tewdwr of Gloucester was the Mercian Ealdorman of Gloucestershire from 1 November 876, succeeding Cynon.


Tewdwr was born in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (then part of Mercia) to a Saxonized Briton family of nobles. Tewdwr was raised a devout Christian who venerated Saint Kenelm, although he was a homosexual who, when later defending the practice of kneeling to pray in an argument with the Viking warrior Eivor, said that he had dirtied his knees doing worse things. He was raised in the Catholic Church and was initially destined to be a priest before the death of Ealdorman Simkin led to a change of plans. Tewdwr sought to bring about a religious reformation in Gloucestershire to rid the shire of "idols of wood and clay" and instead turn the populace to God and the Church of Rome, and he despised pagans (and especially Danes).

Eivor meeting Tewdwr

Tewdwr meeting Eivor

By 876, Tewdwr was designated to succeed Ealdorman Cynon of Gloucester once Cynon sacrificed himself in the Wicker Man during the Samhain festival, an indication that the lords of the realm were moving more towards King Alfred the Great of Wessex's brand of devout Roman Catholicism and away from Celtic paganism or syncretic Christianity. Cynon and his lover, the witch Modron, feared that Tewdwr would destroy the long-standing unity between Gloucestershire's Christian and pagan communities, so they plotted to have Tewdwr assassinated on the night before Samhain on 31 October 876, and they also planned to frame the murder on the visiting Viking warrior Eivor, whom Tewdwr had initially disliked due to his paganism, but later warmed up to over several drinks and drunken carousals on the first night of Samhain. That night, their new acquaintance Gwilim spiked their drinks with sedative herbs, and, while they were asleep, they attacked Tewdwr and took a wounded Tewdwr to Thieves' Warren rather than kill him. Still, Cynon framed Eivor for the murder, forcing Eivor to go on the run as he investigated the plot against Tewdwr.

Tewdwr Modron Eivor

Eivor bringing a wounded Tewdwr to Modron

Eivor discovered that Tewdwr was still alive after a conversation with Halewyn the Druid led him to investigate Thieves' Warren, where his client Gwilim had taken refuge. Eivor found that Tewdwr was still alive, and Gwilim confessed that Cynon had hired him to kill Tewdwr for unknown reasons. Eivor then freed Tewdwr and gave him to Modron, who had put on a helpful facade and aided Eivor with his investigation (sending him to meet Halewyn in the first place). During the trip from Thieves' Warren to Modron's care, Tewdwr expressed remorse for his earlier intolerance, saying that he realized that pagans just saw the Christian God in many faces, and that he realized that not all pagans were horrible (especially since the pagan Eivor was the one who had saved him from the Christian Gwilim). Modron promised to take care of Tewdwr's blood poisoning as Eivor went to confront Cynon, although Modron instead took an unconscious Tewdwr to her underground temple at the Ochre Caves in the Forest of Dean. After Eivor learned of Cynon and Modron's plot from Cynon, and a remorseful Cynon (having heard of Tewdwr's reformation from Eivor) told Eivor that Modron had taken Tewdwr to her forest temple, Eivor headed into the caves and found Modron preparing to sacrifice Tewdwr on an altar. He stopped her and defeated her after a short battle, and he decided to spare her after telling her of Tewdwr's reformation; he realized that she and Cynon had understandable concerns about Tewdwr before the festival, but believed that they could redeem themselves by accepting the reformed Cynon's rule. Tewdwr then emerged from his unconscious state, having not been aware of Modron's betrayal, and Eivor then helped him back to Gloucester.

Cynon Tewdwr apology

Cynon apologizing to Tewdwr

Back at Gloucester, Eivor, Modron, Tewdwr, and the other locals took part in the celebrations on the last day of Samhain (1 November 876), and Cynon apologized to Tewdwr and asked him to look after his family. Tewdwr said that he would never wish harm on others, and jeered that Cynon would have known that if he trusted him. Cynon then went into the Wicker Man, and Tewdwr let Eivor have the honor of setting it alight. Tewdwr then gave an arm-ring to Eivor and promised his alliance, and he became Ealdorman of Gloucestershire and the caregiver of Modron and her daughter Gwenydd.

Tewdwr reuniting with Eivor

Tewdwr reuniting with Eivor

As Ealdorman, Tewdwr became a merry man who wore his "Harvest King" crown with pride, and he agreed to hold Beltane in spring of 877. Eivor later visited Tewdwr upon returning to Gloucestershire to continue hunting down the Order of the Ancients, and the two had a happy reunion; Tewdwr told Eivor how Halewyn the Druid had assured him that all of the gods were smiling on him. After Eivor confided in Tewdwr that he was upset about making many mistakes over the past several years, Tewdwr flirtatiously told Eivor that he would help Eivor shoulder his burden if ever he wanted. Eivor thanked him, and he then bade farewell to his friend.
