Tarhuntassa was a Hittite Bronze Age city in south-central Anatolia, located at the site of Turkmen-Karahoyuk on the Konya Plain of Turkey. During the early 13th century BC, King Muwatalli II moved the Hittite capital from Hattusa to Tarhuntassa in order to be closer to Syria in preparation for battle with the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II at Kadesh. Muwatalli's son Mursili III moved the capital back to Hattusa, only for Hattusili III to depose Mursili and appoint Muwatalli's son Kurunta as king in Tarhuntassa. A civil war broke out between Kurunta of Tarhuntassa and Suppiluliuma II of Hatti, resulting in Suppiluliuma sacking Tarhuntasa before losing his own city and throne amid invasions by the Kaskians, Phrygians, and Sea Peoples.