Tandogan Bey was the Bey of Deraa under the Ottoman Empire.
Tandogan Bey was born to a family of Sunni Muslim Turks, and he became the bey of Deraa in present-day Syria. Tandogan governed the Beylik of Deraa during World War I under the Ottoman Empire, and on 20 November 1917 he captured T.E. Lawrence while he was reconnitoiring the city for the army of Hejaz to take. Tandogan inspected him, believing that he was Circassian at first due to his blue eyes. Later, he had him stripped, and he saw a bullet wound, thinking that he was a deserter from some army. The bey flirted with Lawrence, saying that he felt "isolated" and asked if Lawrence understood what he was saying, and when he put his hand on Lawrence's chest and pointed out his fair skin, Lawrence struck out at him. Tandogan had Lawrence tortured before raping him.