Taina "Caveira" Pereira (15 October 1989-) was a Brazilian BOPE policewoman and Rainbow operative.

Caveira and her brother
Taina Pereira was born in Rinópolis, São Paulo, Brazil in 1989, the older sister of Joao Pereira. She was the seventh child born to a family of ten and the only daughter among them; her father died before she was born. She was raised in poverty in Rio de Janeiro, and she and her brothers took on adult responsibilities at a young age to assist their mother. Pereira had a troubled youth, being arrested at the age of 16 for robbery. She impressed the judge in charge of her case due to her intellect and her capacity for social-educational reform, and she agreed to work with the military police's BOPE as an informant to have her criminal record expunged. She went on to go through Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) and Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PMERJ) training before participating in the Complexo do Alemão assault in Rio de Janiero in 2007. In 2010, she served as a key interrogator amid a security crisis in Rio de Janeiro, distinguishing herself despite underminind BOPE protocol. In 2016, she was invited to join NATO's Rainbow special forces team.
In 2019, her brother Joao, a policeman, went missing while on assignment in Bolivia. Pereira went AWOL from Rainbow to search for her brother, leaving a trail of Santa Blanca Cartel bodies in her wake. She eventually tracked him down to a chemical institute in the Libertad department, and her Rainbow colleague Emmanuelle Pichon and Major Anthony Perryman's Ghost Recon squad ultimately found her as she prepared to assault the institute alone. The Ghosts helped Pereira rescue her brother, although she and her brother stubbornly refused to help the CIA take down the cartel, as Joao was a Brazilian policeman with no obligation to help the Americans. Pereira and her brother parted with the Americans on bad terms, and she returned to her Rainbow service.