Historica Wiki
Historica Wiki

Syndicalism is a socialist-influenced economic system which believes that workers should run their own workplaces to administer them democratically and effectively. The ideology sounds very similar to the communist system, but it instead focuses on the workplace demands of pay and conditions over politics, believing that politics weaken labor unions. It also opposes craft unionism, which divided laborers by the goods that they produced instead of the industry which they worked for; in a school, the teachers' union could not count on the janitors, cleaners, or technicians' unions to support them in strikes in a craft unionist society. Syndicalists played a major role in strikes before World War I, and national syndicalism was founded by nationalists who wanted to combine labor union power with ideals of nationalism and anti-Semitism; both the Nazi Party of Germany and the National Fascist Party of Italy were influenced by national syndicalism.
