Historica Wiki
Su Xi Mu

Su Xi "Suzie" Mu was the assistant of Red Gecko Tong Shuk Foo Ran Fa Li.


Su Xi Mu was from China, and he later came to the United States, settling in San Francisco.

Su Xi Mu was employed as the translator and assistant for the Triad boss Ran Fa Li in the late 1980s, and he understood Ran Fa Li's incoherent grunts, translating them into either English or Chinese.

In 1992, he had Carl Johnson retrieve a package for the Red Gecko Tong, although he voiced his doubt at Wu Zi Mu's trust for CJ. However, CJ succeeded with his task, and CJ would also play the role of a decoy to distract the Da Nang Boys from Ran Fa Li as he made his escape from Chinatown, San Francisco.
