Historica Wiki
Stephen H

Stephen Hinsdale Weed (17 November 1831-2 July 1863) was a Brigadier-General of the US Army during the American Civil War. The commander of the US 5th Artillery, Battery I, he was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.


Stephen Hinsdale Weed was born in Potsdam, New York, United States on 17 November 1831, and he graduated from West Point in 1854. He served on the frontier in Texas, against the Seminole tribe in Florida, served in Kansas in 1858 during the "Bleeding Kansas" unrest, and fought against Mormons and Native Americans in Utah. During the American Civil War, Weed commanded Union artillery, and his crews fought in the Peninsula Campaign and at Bull Run in 1862. On 6 June 1863, he left the artillery to become a Brigadier-General in the volunteer army, and his brigade relieved Strong Vincent's brigade on Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg. Weed was mortally wounded by a Confederate sharpshooter in Devil's Den, and Charles E. Hazlett was also shot by a sharpshooter as he tended to the mortally wounded Weed. General Weed died in a local farm's basement.

