Historica Wiki
Stefan Obierski

Stephan "Obi" Obierski (9 September 1917 – 12 June 1944) was a US Army Private First Class who served in the 502nd Pathfinders, 3rd Squad during World War II.


Stephan born in Warsaw, in Poland in 1917. Later Obierski emigrated to the United States. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Obrieski joined the US Army airborne troops. There he was assigned to 3rd Squad.

On June 6 1944, Obrieski and his squad were flown over the Normandy countryside. The three battalions of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment were all to land in and around Saint-Martin-de-Varreville, with Lt. Col. Robert Cole and Steve Chappuis' battalions being instructed to take out coastal artillery in aide of the 4th Infantry Division arriving at Utah Beach. As a result of foggy weather, the paratroopers were misdropped and much of the 502nd landing miles away from their objectives. As a result, Obrieski only reached his unit four days later when their initial objectives had been completed.

On June 12th, 3rd Platoon fighting in the Battle of Carentan. While the 3rd squad was on the opservation tower, Obierski is shot dead by a German sniper during a conversation.
