Stefan Hansen in 1936.
Stefan Hansen was a German Abwehr agent and Nazi Spy.
Based out of Cairo, Egypt in 1936, the agent and two partners worked to waylay threats and prevent interference to the Third Reich's excavation of nearby Tanis to unearth the lost Ark of the Covenant.
The agents utilized a number of hired local Arab toughs as informants and musclemen in their operations, including the one-eyed Monkey Man and his trained Capuchin, and faked the death of Indiana Jones' associate Marion Ravenwood when she and the archaeologist arrived in the city in pursuit of the Biblical relic.
The agents headed for an awaiting truck driven by two of their toughs, loaded with explosives, and placed a basket aboard it. When Jones caught up, the agent aimed his pistol at Jones, who had dived behind a building to avoid the machine gun fire of another. The agent moved away from the vehicle as his partner boarded it. The archaeologist then leapt out from behind cover and shot the truck's driver, which sent it into a crash that detonated the explosives in the back and took the agent's partner on board with it. However, unknown to the devastated Jones, at some point the men had switched the basket containing Marion, and she eventually was spirited away to the Tanis digsite.
Afterward, the German agent, along with his surviving partner, found Jones grieving with a bottle of alcohol outside the Marhala Bar. Approaching the inebriated archaeologist, the agent told Jones that a man in the bar wanted to talk to him. Leading Jones inside while his partner remained outside, the agent watched as Jones asked a local if he was looking for him, only for the man to laugh and walk away.
The agent then stepped away and left Jones to have his meeting with René Emile Belloq, Jones's archaeological rival who was overseeing the work at Tanis. The German agent observed the conversation from nearby and when Jones reached for his revolver, the agent drew his pistol, as did all the locals in the bar who were not as disinterested in Jones's dealings with Belloq as the archaeologist had first assumed. However, the tense situation was suddenly defused when the nine children of Sallah, a friend of Jones, burst in and surrounded the American, escorting him outside. The agent then put his gun away as he watched Jones safely get away.