Moon Base Solaris was, affording to ufologists, a secret Soviet base that was established on The Moon in the 1960s as part of the Space Race and the broader Cold War. Built as part of Project Solaris, Premier Georgy Milenkov's plan to destroy the United States with a uranium-powered space superweapon (or, according to believers in the "reptilian conspiracy theory", to radiate the world and shoot out Blisk spores to help the Blisks - of whom Milenkov was the leader - colonize the Earth), Solaris was manned by cosmonauts drawn from the cream of Soviet citizenry, and it employed advanced technology such as highway systems, lunar rovers, and URSA drilling machines.
By 1969, Solaris consisted of a large cosmonaut base (with a park-like biodome, the City Dome, a garden biodome, and a spare dome), several uranium mining tunnels used to supply the Soviet superweapon, a solar array used to power Solaris, a radar dome that served as a laser-tracking system for the Global Sporifying Weapon (GSW) the Blisks planned on using, a communications zone used for communications and shuttle landings, and Cosmonaut Valley (full of biodomes). In July 1969, Solaris was said to have been infiltrated by rogue KGB agent Natalya Ivanova and an alien accomplice, Crypto, who destroyed the Soviet superweapon and smuggled an anti-Blisk virus aboard NASA's Apollo 11. When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin disembarked onto the Moon on 20 July, it was said that Crypto's holographic associate Orthopox deployed a projection that concealed Solaris and the Blisk base from the astronauts and made it appear as if only Earth was in the distance and the Moon was still undiscovered. After Crypto stole the body of cosmonaut leader Leonid Bondarev and rallied the cosmonauts against their Blisk overlords, Solaris was engulfed in war, enabling Crypto to destroy the Blisk and kill Milenkov after he killed Ivanova. With Milenkov dead, the Blisks wiped out, and the superweapon destroyed, Earth was saved, and Solaris was presumably abandoned and destroyed by the Soviets, who covered up its existence and all of the extraterrestrial phenomena of 1969.