Historica Wiki
Flag of SR Slovenia

The Socialist Republic of Slovenia was one of the six constituent republics of Yugoslavia, existing from 29 November 1945 to 25 June 1991, with Ljubljana serving as its capital. The country was ruled by the League of Communists of Slovenia from 1945 to 1989; in September 1989, the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia passed numerous constitutional amendments to introduce parliamentary democracy to the country. As the wealthiest of Yugoslavia's six republics, Slovenian independence was strongly opposed by the Yugoslav government, which rejected Slovenian demands for further autonomy. In January 1990, at the 14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, Slovenian delegate Ciril Ribicic led the Slovene delegation in a walkout in protest against the Serbian delegation's rejection of the Slovenes' demands; this led to the walkouts of the Croatians, Bosnians, and Macedonians and the disintegration of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. On 8 April 1990, Slovenia held its first democratic election, and former Slovene Communist Party leader Milan Kucan was elected President. On 23 December 1990, 94.8% of Slovenes voted in favor of independence from Yugoslavia, and Slovenia declared independence on 25 June 1991, securing its independence after the "Ten-Day War" with Yugoslavia.

