Historica Wiki
Sobekhotep VI

Khahotepre Sobekhotep VI (died 1712 BC) was Pharaoh of Egypt from 1725 to 1712 BC, succeeding Merhotepre Sobekhotep and preceding Wahibre Ibiau.


Sobekhotep was the son of Pharaoh Sobekhotep IV and Tjan, and he succeeded Sobekhotep V as Pharaoh in 1725 BC. In 1717 BC, the Hebrew diviner Joseph came to Sobekhotep's attention after interpreting the dreams of two of Pharaoh's officers. In 1715 BC, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, and an impressed Sobekhotep made Joseph viceroy over Egypt and gave him Asenath, the daughter of his guard captain Potiphar, as a wife. He died in 1712 BC.
