Historica Wiki
Sinclair Parish

Sinclair Parish was a parish located in the state of Louisiana, located a few hours south of New Orleans. During the 1960s, Sinclair Parish was known as a "sundown county," where blacks were not supposed to be present after sundown. The Sinclair Parish Sheriff's Department, led by Sheriff Slim Beaumont, targeted minorities that end up in Sinclair Parish, even shooting them on sight.

In 1968, Beaumont murdered Ezekiel Dandridge, a Black Panther who was gathering evidence against Beaumont. This prompted New Orleans Black Panther chapter leader Charles Laveau to send Lincoln Clay and his daughter Roxy Laveau to retrieve Dandridge's folder and rescue the witnesses Dandridge promised protection to. Clay and Roxy distracted the SPSD by tearing apart the town center, the dispatch center, and the scrapyard. However, Beaumont ambushed Clay as he retrieved the folder from the house that Clay and Roxy were based out of.

Roxy rescued Clay as he was being tortured by Beaumont and Southern Union klansmen, eventually chasing down and capturing Beaumont. Though Roxy had to leave, Clay stayed in Sinclair to help some of the people and assure that Beaumont stayed in jail.
