Shihab ad-Din Toghrul (), also known as Atabey Sahabeddin, was the regent of Aleppo from 1216 to 1232.
Shihab ad-Din Toghrul was born to a family of Turkmen mamluks, and he was a veteran of conflicts against the Crusaders. In 1216, he became regent to the three-year-old Emir of Aleppo al-Aziz Muhammad, and he served as his right-hand man for much of his reign; al-Aziz regarded him as his uncle. In 1225, he met with the Kayi chieftain Ertugrul, who proposed to provide 2,000 Kayi alps to al-Aziz in exchange for a home in the region. While Shihab al-Din initially dismissed Ertugrul, saying that he had even more troops guarding the palace, Ertugrul made a show of beating down three of the guards when they were asked to remove him, demonstrating their lower quality. al-Aziz then entered the room, clapping at Ertugrul's performance, and he decided to invite him for dinner to discuss further matters.