Historica Wiki

Shergar was an Anglo-Saxon friar who served as a body double to Ealdorman Tedmund during the late 9th century AD. In 875 AD, he was kidnapped by Eivor and Basim ibn Ishaq as he - acting as Tedmund - supervised a logging operation at the village of Beamasfield, and he was then taken to the Medway Megaliths, where Eivor and Basim had arranged for Abbot Cynebert to come with a rescue party. The situation became awkward when Cynebert noticed that Shergar was shorter and fatter than Tedmund, and Shergar ultimately confessed his true identity, causing Cynebert to remember him from St. Augustine's Priory. Eivor convinced Basim to let Shergar go, and Cynebert had Shergar swear an oath of silence about the faux kidnapping and rescue.
