Historica Wiki

Shaky (1853-) was an American arms dealer who was based out of Thieves' Landing, Texas during the Wild West era.


"Shaky" was born in 1853, and, by the 1890s, he had set up an arms dealing operation in Thieves' Landing, Calhoun County, Texas. He acquired his nickname due to his stutter and his morphine addiction, but he was a brutal criminal who, in 1898, hired the gunfighter Arizona Kid to murder his former best friend Ian Carmichael for stealing his girlfriend. He also hired other outlaws to help him with jailbreaks, thefts, and other criminal jobs. Over the next few years, he befriended the criminal "Irish", and, in 1911, Irish and John Marston came to Shaky's aid by rescuing him from outlaws who had kidnapped him and tied him up for working with other criminals. As a reward, Shaky helped Marston acquire a Gatling gun for his assault on Fort Mercer.

