Historica Wiki

Sef Ibn-La'Ahad (1197-1227) was the youngest son of Altair Ibn-La'Ahad and his wife Maria Thorpe, and was a member of the Hashshashin.


Sef was born and raised in the city of Masyaf, the centre of the Hashshashin. He was trained to be an Assassin by his father and a diplomat and man of honor by his mother, and was raised in a home of affection rather than being trained far off from his family. He married quite young, and had many children with an Egyptian wife. In 1227, while his father, mother, and older brother Darim were off fighting the Mongol Empire, he remained in Masyaf.


The regent of Masyaf Abbas Sofian had his chance for revenge against Altair for an incident dating back to when they were children, and Sofian decided to have Sef executed on trumped-up charges. He told Sef that Altair himself had ordered his execution, making Sef believe that he had been betrayed by his own father before he died. He was beheaded in Masyaf, causing his family to return home for answers. After his untimely death, his family moved to Alexandria in the first half of the thirteenth century.
