Scots are an ethnic group residing in Scotland, being a mixture of Picts and Gaels. 4,446,000 Scots live in Scotland, 11,400,509 (over 6,000,000 Scots and over 5,000,000 Scots-Irish) in the United States, 4,719,850 in Canada, 1,792,600 in Australia, 795,000 in England, 760,620 in Northern Ireland, 100,000 in Argentina, 80,000 in Chile, 45,000 in Brazil, 45,000 in France, 15,000 in Poland, 12,792 in New Zealand, 11,160 in South Africa, 2,403 on the Isle of Man, and 1,459 in Hong Kong. Most Scots adhere to Presbyterianism (including the Church of Scotland), Catholicism, and Episcopalianism.