King Sancho Ramirez of Aragon (1042-4 June 1094) was the King of Aragon (1063-1094) and Navarre (1075-1094) during Reconquista-era Spain. He succeeded Ramiro I of Aragon peacefully on his death in 1063, and he took over Navarre after the death of Sancho IV; Pere I of Aragon succeeded to both titles on Sancho's death.

Sancho at the court of Fernando I of Leon
Sancho Ramirez was the son of King Ramiro I of Aragon and his mistress Ermesinda of Bigorre, and he belonged to the House of Jimenez. Sancho became the king of Aragon at the age of 21 in 1063, and he did not use the title of "King of Aragon" for years due to the nominal Castilian rule over the region. However, from 1067 to 1068 he fought in the War of the Three Sanchos against the rival kings Sancho IV of Navarre and Sancho II of Castile, and Sancho Ramirez helped Navarre against Castile in the war. However, Sancho II of Castile was able to conquer Bureba, Alta Rioja, and Alava in the ensuing war, and Sancho Ramirez took over most of Navarre when Sancho IV was murdered by his own siblings; he gave other parts of the kingdom to King Alfonso VI of Castile. During his reign, Sancho conquered several cities from the Moors, taking Barbastro in 1064, Graus in 1083, and Monzon in 1089. However, he was defeated at the 1084 Battle of Morela by El Cid and his Muslim army, and Sancho would be slain by a Moorish arrow at the battle of Huesca in 1094. His son Pere I of Aragon succeeded him upon his death.