Rued (died 874) was a Danish Viking warlord who terrorized the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of East Anglia during the late 9th century.
Rued was born in Denmark, and he was married to Valdis for five years before she left for England to be rid of him. He became known as a fierce and cruel warlord and Viking sea raider, and, during the early 870s AD, he launched several raids on East Anglia and delved the kingdom into anarchy. Rued, unlike the majority of East Anglia's nobility, opposed the concept of Anglo-Saxons and Danes living in harmony and instead advocated for the Saxons' extermination. In 874 AD, he slew King Aethelstan II of East Anglia in battle, and he sacked farms and hamlets across the countryside, burned much of Thetford and Beteleah Farm, and occupied Burgh Castle and Dunwich. After the East Anglians elevated the young Saxon nobleman Oswald of East Anglia to the throne, Rued took advantage of the power vacuum by planning an assault on Norwich, and he also planned to take back his estranged wife, who was betrothed to Oswald. He challenged Oswald to a duel at Dunwich, and, while Rued was able to overpower and nearly kill Oswald, Oswald dragged him down from the ledge over which Rued had been holding the king, leading both men to fall to their supposed deaths. However, they fell into the water, and Rued took Oswald captive and held him at Burgh Castle.

Rued's body
Oswald's apparent death served as a rallying cry for the Christian faithful of East Engle, who formed a fyrd and stormed Burgh Castle from both land and sea. During the battle, Oswald's guardian Eivor came across Rued holding Oswald hostage, and Eivor and the others celebrated Oswald's survival. Rued then challenged Eivor to a fight, and Eivor easily cut Rued down. Oswald ordered that Rued be held prisoner and tried before a court, but Rued escaped from his prison and rudely interrupted Oswald's coronation and wedding ceremony at Elmenham. Rued then challenged Oswald to a duel, due Eivor insisted that he fight on Oswald's behalf, and he then slew Rued after another short duel.