Historica Wiki
Ron Watkins

Ron Watkins (18 April 1987-) was an American far-right conspiracy theorist and Republican political candidate.


Ronald Watkins was born in 1987, the son of conspiracy theorist Jim Watkins and his Korean wife. He was raised by his mother in Mukilteo, Washington and moved to China after high school, and, in 2014, he moved in with his father in Manila, Philippines to work with him and Fredrick Brennan in founding 8chan, a far-right imageboard website which was linked to white supremacism, neo-Nazism, the alt-right, racism, hate crimes, and multiple mass shootings. In 2018, Jim and Ron Watkins co-created the QAnon conspiracy theory, which alleged that a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles and sex traffickers was utilizing the deep state to sabotage Donald Trump's presidency, but he abandoned the theory after Joe Biden's inauguration on 20 January 2021. However, he embraced conspiracy theories surrounding Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election, and, in 2022, he ran for the US House of Representatives, challenging Democratic incumbent Tom O'Halleran.
