Rollo Sigurdsson (754-) was the first son of Sigurdr Ring of Svibjod and the older brother of Ragnarr Lodbrok. He was rivals with his brother due to their shared love for Ragnarr's wife Lagertha and Rollo's decision to convert to Christianity and become a Frankish vassal.

Rollo in 793
Rollo Sigurdsson was born in 754, the son of Sigurdr Ring of Svibjod and the older brother of Ragnarr Lodbrok. He fancied Lagertha as a young man, but Ragnarr ultimately married her, causing Rollo to be perpetually jealous of his brother. In 793, he took part in the raid on Curonia and the Sack of Lindisfarne alongside his brother, and he refused to betray his brother to his rival Earl Haraldsson, even while under torture. After learning that Haraldsson had tortured his brother, Ragnarr challenged Haraldsson to single combat and slew him. During one raid on Northumbria, Rollo converted to Christianity at the King of Northumbria's behest, as the King would only negotiate a ransom agreement with a fellow Christian. Bishop Unwan baptized him with the Christian name "Rolf" as his comrades laughed at the baptism ceremony. Rollo's actions earned him the scorn of many of his friends, who saw him as a traitor to the Norse gods; however, Rollo bragged about how many Christians he had killed. Rollo later allied with Jarl Borg of Gotaland against his brother and King Horik I, and he struck down his former comrade Arne in battle. Ragnarr ultimately forgave his brother, but forbade him from raiding with him. Rollo later defended Kattegat from Jarl Borg's forces, and Borg ultimately agreed to return to his alliance with the brothers for a raid on Wessex; Borg was later executed in the "Blood Eagle" method. Rollo was captured after a costly defeat at the hands of the West Saxons, but he was cared for and was later released as part of a peace agreement, going on to campaign in Mercia instead.
Duke of Normandy[]
Rollo played a major role in the Siege of Paris in 845, and, after Ragnarr's retreat, Emperor Charles the Bald of West Francia gave Rollo the title of Duke, lands in northern Francia, and his daughter's hand in marriage in exchange for him protecting Paris against further Viking attacks. He repelled another siege of Paris by his brother, setting the Viking ships on fire, and confirming his loyalty to Francia. As a Christian and a Viking, he launched a raid on the Moorish town of Algeciras in Spain, raping and killing the women there. In 865, he sent troops to assist Ivar the Boneless, Hvitserk Ragnarrsson, and Harald Fairhair in their war against Lagertha.