Historica Wiki

Richard Braeburn (1925-)was an American soldier who fought in World War 2. He served in the second Ranger Battalion.


Braeburn was born in a town in Pennsylvania on 1925. After he reached his 18th birthday and graduated from high school, he was drafted into the United States Army. He became a part of the Second Ranger Battalion. He served as a radio operator.

He stormed the beaches of Normandy with Randall and Taylor, and fought in the battles of the Normandy Campaign. He was friends with McCloskey. He fought in the Battle for Hill 400. His squad was assigned to protect a bunker with wounded American troops in it, that they had recently taken. During the Battle for Hill 400, Braeburn fought bravely with the rest of his squad to protect the wounded American troops who were in the bunker against a German assault. He fought the battle for Hill 400, was wounded in January 1945 and demobilized
