Raymond Plouhar (26 May 1976-26 June 2006) was a US Marine Corps staff sergeant who was killed in action during the Iraq War.
Raymond Plouhar was born in Lake Orion, Michigan on 26 May 1976. He joined the US Marine Corps in 1995, and he was stationed with the US 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, California. In 2004 - while acting as a military recruiter in the Flint area while excused from active duty (having just donated a kidney to an uncle) - he was filmed by the filmmaker Michael Moore as he and another Marine drove around Flint to recruit youths for service in the Iraq War. He showed Moore how he and the other recruiters would seek out youths in working-class areas and recruit them into the Marines by promising them the opportunity to see the world, the ability to be like their favorite celebrities, and even to play sports with the Marines. This interview would appear in the 2004 documentary Fahrenheit 9/11, released on the eve of the 2004 presidential election. Plouhar was killed by a roadside bomb in Anbar Governorate, Iraq in 2006, just 38 days before his tour of duty was due to end.