Raphael of Naples was the son of King Ferdinand I of Naples, and a claimant to the throne of Naples. Raphael was the half-brother of Frederick of Naples, and he lost a power struggle with him after Lucrezia Borgia blackmailed him for his supposed poisoning of his half-brother.
Raphael of Naples was the son of King Ferdinand I of Naples, and the was the half-brother of the future King Frederick of Naples. After King Ferdinand's death in a hunting accident, Raphael rivalled his brother's claim to the throne. Lucrezia Borgia, wife of the third-in-line to the throne, Alfonso of Aragon, sought to influence the succession, as she wanted for herself and her husband to be safe. Raphael was accused of poisoning his brother by Lucrezia, but it was later discovered that Frederick faked his own poisoning. Lucrezia blackmailed Raphael into giving up his claim to the throne, as Pope Alexander VI would refuse to invest a murderer with the title of King.