Historica Wiki

The Raid on the Itacua sicario house was conducted by a team of American Ghost Recon special forces operatives in 2019 during Operation Kingslayer.

Major Anthony Perryman's team was dispatched by CIA Agent Karen Bowman to gather intelligence on the whereabouts of the Santa Blanca Cartel torturer Zapatero Gonzalez and his wife Gloria Fernandez, causing them to scour Itacua province for Santa Blanca bases. On locating a sicario house in the countryside, the team touched down in their helicopter before entering into a shootout with the gate guards. Reinforcements were called, and the Americans were pinned down on a forested hillside and Perryman wounded before his squadmates injected him with adrenaline and enabled him to continue the fight. Ultimately, the Americans were able to clear out the sicario compound, and Perryman hacked a computer that gave up the location of Gonzalez's sports car, which he planned to use to lure Gonzalez into a trap.

