Historica Wiki

The Raid on Guildford occurred in 875 AD when the Norwegian Vikings Ubbe Ragnarrsson and Eivor attacked the town of Guildford, Surrey and burned down all of its grain silos.

Ubbe and Eivor snuck into the town with the goal of cutting Portchester's supply lines, meeting at Saint Lewinna's Church. Eivor initially hoped to burn down the town's plentiful grain silos stealthily, but, after he caught the attention of a few guards, he and Ubbe charged into battle. They proceeded to slay over a dozen Anglo-Saxon soldiers who attempted to stop them from burning the town, and the two of them threw torches at the silos and caused them to collapse. After all of the town's silos were destroyed, the two Vikings proceeded to escape, with Ubbe heading back to the camp in Kingley Vale and Eivor heading on to Briggworth.
