Historica Wiki
Pietro da Siena

Pietro de Siena (died 1503) was a captain of the Papal States.


Pietro de Siena was born in Siena, and he was brothers with Prospero da Siena and Valentino da Siena. The three of them served Pope Alexander VI and the House of Borgia as guards, commanding towers whose garrison oppressed the people of Rome and made the city fall into disrepair. Pietro was known to be a coward who ran at the first sign of trouble, and his guards killed assassins Ortensia Orlandi, Valeria Viozzi, and Nino Nastagio during two failed attacks on his hideout by the Roman Resistance. Ezio Auditore da Firenze attacked one last time, and he used an arrow storm to kill Siena and all of his men, before blowing up the tower and repairing the area.
