Pierre Robinault de Saint-Régeant (1768-20 April 1801) was a French Royalist who, in 1801, was executed for his involvement in the Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise, an attempt on Napoleon Bonaparte's life.
Pierre Robinault de Saint-Régeant was born in Brittany, France in 1768. A supporter of King Louis XVIII of France, he tried to stir a revolt in western France in 1799 and publicly tore up Napoleon's offer of amnesty to the Vendeen rebels. In 1800, he joined Georges Cadoudal's conspiracy to assassinate Napoleon, and he worked with Pierre Picot de Limoëlan to create a bomb that would kill Napoleon on the Rue Saint-Nicaise on 24 December 1800. Saint-Regeant paid the 14-year-old Marianne Peusol to block the road with a horse and cart, but Limoelan panicked as Napoleon neared and fled, leaving Saint-Regeant to detonate the bomb too early. Peusol and several innocent bystanders were killed, but Napoleon was unharmed. Saint-Regeant was arrested and executed on 20 April 1801.