Philip Kinghorn Burbidge (born 18 February 1896) was a British League of Empire Loyalists member who famously assaulted peer Lord Altrincham in August 1957 as Altrincham left an interview with Impact host Robin Day about his National and English Review article, which had criticized Queen Elizabeth II.
Philip Kinghorn Burbidge was born in London, England on 18 February 1896, and he served in the British Army during World War I. He later became a member of the reactionary League of Empire Loyalists, an extreme-right imperialist group, and, in August 1957, he attacked peer Lord Altrincham for criticizing Queen Elizabeth II. As Altrincham left an interview with Impact host Robin Day, Burbidge punched him in the face while on camera, calling him a "traitor". He paid a court fine, which he called the best investment he ever made, and he stated that he was motivated to punch Altrincham because he fearred the overseas repurcussions of Altrincham's article.