Historica Wiki

Perseus, eponymously named after its founder, KGB spymaster Perseus, was a Warsaw Pact-aligned spyring that sought to destroy capitalism from within and allow the Soviet Union and communism to flourish throughout the Western world. Perseus recruited from rogue Western agents and military operators, as well as Soviet and Eastern countries aligned with communism or were otherwise neutral.

By the 1980s, Perseus, then a part of the KGB, split from his superiors and took his spyring with him. Though he still believed in the USSR, Perseus saw the leadership as too weak to do what needed to be done. In 1981, Operation Greenlight nukes were discovered under many European cities by Perseus, and he planned to detonate them to blame the United States and begin taking over Europe. However, his former second-in-command Bell betrayed Perseus and allowed the detonation to be stopped.

Perseus died of cancer in 1983, which let his new second-in-command Vikhor Kuzmin to assume his mantle. A plan to kidnap and brainwash CIA special officer Russell Adler, before broadcasting Dragovich's numbers broadcast with Adler's knowledge ensued in 1984, though this was stopped and Kuzmin was killed.
