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Pedro de Zubiaur

Pedro de Zubiaur (1540-1605) was a Spanish admiral during the Anglo-Spanish War and the Eighty Years' War.


Pedro de Zubiaur was born in Ziortza Bolibar, Basque Country, Spain in 1540, and he started his naval career in 1568. Zubiaur became an admiral of the Spanish Navy, winning several victories over England for King Philip II of Spain, the most famous of them being the relief of Blaye. In 1592, he captured six of Walter Raleigh's Royal Navy ships off Cape Finisterre. In 1605, during the Dutch Revolt, he commanded a fleet of 18 ships sent to transport troops to Dunkirk, but his fleet was attacked by an 80-strong Dutch fleet. He lost two ships and 400 men, and he was forced to flee to Dover in England, which was now allied with Spain. He died in Dover of injuries sustained during the battle, and his body was transported to Bilbao for burial.
