Pedro Eugenio Aramburu (21 May 1903-1 June 1970) was President of Argentina from 13 November 1955 to 1 May 1958, succeeding Eduardo Lonardi and preceding Arturo Frondizi.
Pedro Eugenio Aramburu was born in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina on 21 May 1903, and he became a military officer. He participated in the 1955 coup which ousted Juan Peron from power, and he was appointed the interim President of Argentina after the liberal faction of the military ousted Eduardo Lonardi for being too soft on the Peronists. He forced Peron into exile and barred the Justicialist Party from further elections, but he allowed for elections to be held in 1958, and Arturo Frondizi was then elected President. However, the military continued to censor Peronism and its leader, and Aramburu was a possible candidate in the 1970 presidential election. However, he was kidnapped by the communist Montoneros and was executed at a farmhouse near Timote after a mock trial.