Patrick Ubizzi (1965-) was President of the United States from 2003 to 2004, succeeding Kevin Boosie and preceding William Brat.
Patrick Ubizzi was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in 1965 to a family of steel workers, and he became a corporate lawyer before becoming a steel industry lobbyist. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 2003 as a Republican, and he was elected President of the United States in 2003. He inherited a Republican-majority US Congress, and it voted 11-9 to approve child benefit programs, 16-6 against approving public housing, and 19-7 to approve protest prohibition. In mid-2003, the Republicans retained their majority in Congress, with the New Democrats losing one of their seats to the Progressive Democrats. Congress voted 14-10 in favor of a stamp duty and 17-10 in favor of an income tax, as the economy had fallen severely into debt. In late 2003, the Republicans and Democrats were tied with 15 seats each, and he lost re-election to William Brat in early 2004.