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Patrician Giustiniano of Participazio

Patrician Giustiniano of Participazio (743-12 October 775) was the patrician of the House of Participazio from 769 to 775, preceding Patrician Agnello of Participazio.


Giustiniano was born to the House of Participazio in the Republic of Venice, and he became one of the five patricians that vied for power under Doge Maurizio of Venice. He was on good terms with the Doge, and he was not suspected of being involved in Maurizio's possible murder. When Doge Teodato of Venice was murdered in 770 by the House of Galbaio patrician Giovanni (Maurizio's son), Giustiniano was one of those who were opposed to the new Doge Encagilio of Venice. He remained a steadfast ally of the Galbaio, and he assisted in Encagilio's assassination.

On 12 October 775, Giustiniano died in battle with King Adelchis of Lombardy during Doge Giovanni's war against the Kingdom of Lombardy for control of Istria. His son Patrician Agnello of Participazio succeeded him.
