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The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a Marxist-Leninist party in the United States, founded in June 2004. The party was created when the San Francisco branch of the Workers World Party split from the main group due to the WWP's incapability to fulfill the mission of building socialism, and the group expanded across the country. In 2008 and 2016, Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear ran for president, although the party did not receive much attention during the elections; in addition, the party holds no elected offices. Its stances include the elimination of corporate influence from politics, the reduction of America's imperialist roles in international politics, and supporting international socialism against capitalism.


La Riva and Puryear

The 2016 campaign ticket for Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear

The PSL's objective is to lead a revolution that would pave the way for socialism, under which a government of the working people would be formed. The PSL's political views include the ability to recall elected officials, to secure freedom of speech (except for xenophobia, bigotry, or capitalist propaganda), and the elimination of corporate influence from politics. There would be a thirty-hour work week with a basic income guarantee, and the exploitation of labor for private profit would also be banned.

As a part of its anti-imperialist policies, the PSL would offer self-determination to Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, and the Mariana Islands, which the PSL considers to be American colonies. In addition, the oppressive US military presence in Iraq and Afghanistan would be ended, and all of the foreign military bases of the US Army would be closed. In addition to the reduction of US influence in foreign countries, the PSL would advocate self-determination for people all over the world, supporting the right of return for Palestinians to the Palestine region and criticizing the state of Israel. In addition, the PSL supports the Cuban government, the Chinese Revolution-era government of China, the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela, and Vladimir Lenin's Soviet Union (while the PSL blames Mikhail Gorbachev for the fall of the USSR due to his economic policies).

