Historica Wiki
Panau City

Panau City is the capital city and financial hub of the Southeast Asian island nation of Panau. Located among the Ramai Rakyat Islands, Panau City was founded by Spanish colonists, who transformed it into a thriving port of trade. After Panauan independence, the city was divided into financial, park, docks, and residential districts, connected by huge bridges built during the decades-long, modernizing reign of Papa Panay. With Western help, Panay developed a modern motorway system that connected the city's districts and joined Panau City with the rest of the country. Many skyscrapers were also put up, including the Burj Panau, the country's second-largest building after the Panau Broadcast Center (PBC) Tower. While the city was a center of the nation's wealth, it also became a hub of criminal activity. Razak Razman, a native of Panau City, founded the Roaches crime syndicate and used its Pelabuhan Saudagar harbor for drug trafficking. During the eight-year rule of Pandak Panay from 2002 to 2010, the old city was demolished and replaced by low-cost, high-occupancy slum housing. He also constructed statues in his honor and appointed his colonels Chaerul Tunko, Saravanan, Abdul Ishak, Loo Won Fui, Yuan, Tengku Baba, Bachtiar Saleh, Muhammad Yatim, Rajah Idis, and Wirya Sutan to maintain the Panauan Army's hold on power in the city. During the Panauan Civil War of 2010, military repression and martial law led to a minimal presence of civilians on the city's streets, and the CIA agent Rico Rodriguez wrought havoc on the city's military infrastructure in conjunction with the Roaches and Ular Boys.

